MISHC encourages the use of materials listed on this site in the pursuit of improving quality and outcomes for cardiovascular patients. Many of our resources, meeting presentations, select publications, and more are available to the public for free.
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- Please acknowledge "MISHC."
- If the material was obtained on our website, include a link to the source page.
- If the material was not obtained on our website, include a link to mishc.org.
- Include required disclaimer language. You will find this language - and additional resources for collaborators including fonts, logos, templates, and helpful tips - under "MISHC Brand and Style Guide" on our "Coordinator Resources" page.

MISHC collaborators use registry data to conduct a wide array of analysis. Utilize our search feature to browse our database of MISHC publications.

Learn more about presentations featuring local and national speakers at MISHC meetings and exciting findings MISHC is presenting at conferences nationwide.