BMC2 Honored With Special Tribute From the State of Michigan

Elizabeth Horn

MISHC is one of 3 quality consortia under the umbrella of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Cardiovascular Consortium, or BMC2. BMC2 is dedicated to improving quality of care and patient outcomes. Its work impacts nearly 30,000 patients treated by hundreds of physicians from more than 100 hospital teams in Michigan yearly.

The State of Michigan recently recognized BMC2’s “innovative spirit and unwavering dedication” as a pioneer in cardiovascular care in a special tribute signed by Forty-Seventh District State Representative, Carrie Rheingans; Fourteenth-District State Senator, Sue Shink; Lieutenant Governor, Garlin Gilchrist, II; and Governor, Gretchen Whitmer. “BMC2’s collaborative spirit has united hospitals, physicians, and care teams, leading to the exchange of best practices and the formation of a cohesive learning network, optimizing statewide quality and safety in Michigan.”

BMC2 is one of 22 Collaborative Quality Initiatives (CQIs) sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield. CQIs work to improve many of the most common and costly areas of surgical and medical care in Michigan.

BMC2 comprises three multi-center quality improvement registries:

  • Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI); procedures that treat blockages in the arteries that supply blood to the heart, including heart stenting.
  • Vascular Surgery - conditions related to blood vessels including:
    • Peripheral Vascular Disease - Issues with blood flow in the arms, legs, and other parts of the body.
    • Aneurysms - Weakened areas in blood vessels that can bulge or even burst.
    • Carotid Arteries - The main arteries that carry blood to the brain and head.
  • The Michigan Structural Heart Consortium (MISHC) – a collaboration between BMC2 and the Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons (MSTCVS) – serves patients who undergo structural heart procedures including transcatheter aortic valve replacement, mitral valve replacement, and mitral valve repair procedures.

The collaborative also includes the Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network, a collaboration with fellow CQI, the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC).

The open sharing of challenges and successes between BMC2 facilities is unique to the State of Michigan. The consortium provides educational opportunities, performs peer reviews to look at procedure appropriateness and quality, explores strategies to address health care disparities, and works with a Patient Advisory Council to create resources for patients and providers. This all leads to better patient care and cost savings for both patients and payers.

BMC2’s work includes:

  • A focus on readmissions, resulting in a steady decline in readmissions after PCI at a rate of more than 1% annually from 2017 to 2023. The impact is estimated at 250 fewer readmissions.
  • A 180% increase in rates of follow-up imaging after aneurysm repair from 2017 – 2023, identifying more at-risk patients.
  • An 80% decrease in blood transfusions after transcatheter valve procedures between 2014 and 2023, reducing death and kidney injury.

Additionally, BMC2 care teams referred 90k PCI patients to cardiac rehab between 2020 and 2023, lowering their risk of readmission and death.

The tribute reads:

LET IT BE KNOWN, With deep respect and admiration, we extend this special tribute to BMC2, a trailblazing collaborative dedicated to elevating cardiovascular care in Michigan and beyond. BMC2's transformative work has significantly enhanced patient outcomes and influenced healthcare practices worldwide, marking them as pioneers of excellence and innovation.

BMC2, a consortium of hospitals and cardiology teams, has been at the forefront of multi-center quality improvement registries aimed at enhancing care for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), vascular surgical procedures, and transcatheter valve repair/replacement procedures. Since its inception in the late 1990s, BMC2 has grown from a few participating hospitals to encompassing all non-Federal Michigan facilities conducting these vital cardiovascular procedures.

One of BMC2's most remarkable achievements lies in the creation of a culture of trust and learning among its members. BMC2 fosters an environment where sharing successes and challenges in quality improvement is the norm. This collaborative spirit has united hospitals, physicians, and care teams, leading to the exchange of best practices and the formation of a cohesive learning network, optimizing statewide quality and safety in Michigan.

BMC2's commitment to innovation and safety has resulted in substantial improvements in key patient outcomes, including a reduction in kidney-related injuries, blood transfusions, vascular complications, and low-value care. Their initiatives have also increased the prescription of guideline-directed medical therapy, setting a standard for excellence in cardiovascular care.

Recognizing the immense value BMC2 brings to healthcare, the State of Michigan's Department of Health and Human Services, Certificate of Need Commission Evaluation Section, has mandated the participation of hospitals offering emergent and elective PCI in BMC2. This partnership has played a pivotal role in ensuring high-quality cardiovascular care delivery across the State, showcasing BMC2's influence and impact.

IN SPECIAL TRIBUTE, Therefore, we honor BMC2 for its unwavering dedication, innovative spirit, and profound impact on healthcare. This document stands as a testament to their commitment to excellence, their tireless pursuit of improvement, and their role as pioneers in advancing healthcare practices for the betterment of our State."

In February, BMC2 received the prestigious 2023 John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award in the Local Level Innovation in Patient Safety and Quality category. The award is presented annually by The Joint Commission and the National Quality Forum. BMC2 was recognized for documenting and decreasing radiation use and reducing opioid pill prescribing.

We celebrate the many physicians, data abstractors, quality improvement leaders, and countless others who contribute to BMC2’s success and improve care for patients not only in Michigan but nationally and globally,” BMC2 Program Director Dr. Hitinder S. Gurm shared. “I would also like to acknowledge our patient panel who selflessly give their time and counsel to guide BMC2 in its journey, our fabulous team at the Coordinating Center, and finally, our funding agencies whose support has made this work possible.”

View photos of BMC2 receiving the framed tribute via this slideshow.