TVT Updates - March 2023

The STS/ACC NCDR TVT registry is planning a version upgrade for 2023 and has asked MISHC participants for input on potential improvements.  At the MISHC Coordinator meeting in October, Joan Michaels, the TVT registry manager, asked coordinators to brainstorm ideas for website improvements. 

Through the MISHC coordinator meeting, site visit exit interviews, and direct coordinator suggestions we have sent the list of potential updates, below.  Michigan is the only state where every site has an annual chart audit which puts us in a unique position to provide thoughtful feedback from each of the sites. 

If you have any additional thoughts about potential website changes, don’t hesitate to contact Sheryl Fielding at

Proposed Updates:

  • Provide the same reporting structure for versions 2 and 3 for easier data and trend queries across versions.
  • Include renal insufficiency as a history condition.
  • Remove the adjudication portion from the data collection form.
  • Include the same options in the regurgitation fields for Aortic Regurgitation and Paravalvular Regurgitation.
  • Load the FAQs in reverse order with the most recent options available first when querying all the FAQs on the website.
  • Allow entering values out to the tenth position for all data fields.
  • Collect Mitral Regurgitation at follow-up.
  • Clarification for capturing 4D CT, or gated 3D CT for TAVR on follow-up.
  • Add granularity for TAVR readmissions, at least heart failure, arrhythmia, and other