Quarter 4 Meeting Summaries
Did you miss a meeting or do you need a refresher? Read our Q4 meeting summaries.
The MISHC Coordinator/Abstractor Annual Meeting was held on Friday. October 14th from 10 am – 3 pm at Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, MI. Our many attendees enjoyed a robust agenda packed with valuable information.
A pdf of the entire slide deck is available on our password-protected MISHC.org website. Please contact your MISHC Coordinator for assistance.
The MISHC Collaborative Meeting was held on Saturday, October 15th from 10 am – 3 pm at Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, MI.
MISHC co-director, Dr. P. Michael Grossman, opened the meeting with a MISHC data review and discussion. Dr. Joao Cavalcante, from the University of Minnesota, gave the talk, “CT Planning to Optimize Aortic Valve Replacement Strategies and Implications for TAV in TAV and TAV in SAV.” You can find Dr. Cavalcante’s talk on our MISHC YouTube channel.
The MiTVT2 and MISHC Coordinator/Abstractor Meeting was held on November 10th from 11 am – 12 pm. We welcomed Kristin Pasquarello, MPAS, PA-C, Administrative Director- Heart Valve Center, St. Francis Hospital & Heart Center, Catholic Health, New York. The center has received 3-star ratings from the TVT registry and Kristin presented “Polishing Your Stars.” The talk was an inspiring overview during which she shared her process to ensure her site received the highest public-reporting rating. A PDF of her presentation is available on the password-protected side of MISHC.org.