MISHC Meeting Summaries for Q2, 2024

Presentations from the April 9th, 2024 MISHC Collaborative Webinar are available on our YouTube channel and include:
- “Transcatheter Mitral Valve-in-Valve and Valve-in-Ring Replacement – Tips and Tricks and Case Selection” by Dr. Adam Greenbaum
- “Best Practices for Transcatheter Mitral Programs – Starting a Mitral Clip Program” by Dr. Raed Alnajjar
You can access a pdf of all slide presentations by visiting our secure shared space.
Don’t forget to explore the new Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network (MiCR) Website which includes a Cardiac Rehab Location Finder and “New Beat” Patient Materials!
Dr. Stan Chetcuti gave the May 7th, 2024 MiTVT Educational Presentation, “TAVR for Bicuspid Valve Disease: Anatomic Considerations and Optimizing Procedural Outcomes.” The presentation is available on our YouTube channel.
A PDF of the entire presentation of the June 5th MISHC Coordinator/Abstractor Meeting is available via our secure file-sharing space.
Action items from the meeting include:
- Submit your VBR Goal Project Summary forms to Sheryl Fielding at sfields@med.umich.edu by November 11, 2024.
- MISHC coordinators willing to mentor new data coordinators and abstractors or new coordinators/abstractors interested in a mentor can email Sheryl Fielding at sfields@med.umich.edu.
- Contact the Coordinating Center to connect with your site’s PCI coordinator to collaborate in cardiac rehab referral efforts.
MISHC Co-Program Director, Dr. P. Michael Grossman presented MISHC updates and a data review and Drs. Ahmad Munir and Raed Alnajjar presented VBR goal success stories during the June 18th MISHC Collaborative Webinar. You can access a PDF of the slides via our secure shared space. Also available are the YouTube videos of meeting presentations on:
Contact the Coordinating Center if you would like to:
- Participate in or lead the Cardiac Rehab Best Practice Protocol Workgroup
- Suggest a topic for a future MISHC Best Practice Protocol.
Cardiac Rehab utilization reports are available via the MISHC report link sent to the MISHC data coordinator at each site. Future Cardiac Rehab utilization reports for structural heart procedures will be available on the Michigan Value Collaborative(MVC) website beginning in 2024
2026 VBR Goals were proposed and include:
- CR referral prior to discharge ≥90%
- AV Mean Gradient @ 1 Year follow up at 80% (previous target was ≥75%)
- Site-specific goal proposed by the site and approved by MISHC coordinating center