2023 Quarter 1 Meeting Summaries

Did you miss a meeting or do you need a refresher? Read our 2023 Q1 meeting summaries.

The MISHC Coordinator/Abstractor Meeting was held on Thursday, January 26th from 10 am – 11 am. Annemarie Forrest and Sheryl Fielding presented an overview of how to implement and manage Quality Improvement Initiatives.

They introduced the MISHC Quality Improvement Project Plan & Summary. Use this form to track your project performance and activity over time. You will find it on our website under Coordinator Resources” and then “General Resources.”

To choose a QI focus, your structural heart team can reference your fall 2022 snapshot report, your MISHC reports, or choose another area for improvement.

We will address progress on QI projects at the July MISHC coordinator meeting.  Don’t hesitate to contact the Coordinating Center for assistance including direction in defining opportunities, initiating a project, or finding a site working on the same project or with the same EMR. QI Summaries will be submitted via email in December.

As always, sites that would like to present their projects at a coordinator meeting are welcomed and encouraged. 


The MISHC Coordinator/Abstractor Meeting was held on Tuesday, March 14th from 2 pm – 3 pm.  After a welcome by Sheryl Fielding, Dr. Andrew Harris, of Michigan Medicine presented "Mitral Valve Echocardiographic Assessment for TEER and TMVR Procedures." You will find a video of his presentation on our YouTube channel. We encourage you to share this resource with your colleagues.